2 Mart 2025 Pazar



1- December 27th 1992- Soviet regime demolished. M.Gorbachev succeded in this.

2- USA-E.U-NATO accepted new Russia as a partner of Western World.
3- USA invaded Afganistan and İrak in 1992 and declared itself as a Unique Poled World Leader.

4-New Russia spend 9 years with dividing its territories and lost it's power and sovereignity. Also, Russia is never partner of the western world.

5-USA and E.U supported Radical İslamist terror organizations.

6-El Kaide terror born from CIA TALIBAN org. Then it realised 9/11 theatre in 2001.

7- Usa invaded and plundered Afghanistan and Irak by the El Kaide Terror connections.

8- After these,USA and EU invaded Sudan, Ethiopia

9-USA-EU invaded and plundered Libya then Syria for El Kaide and ISIS connections.

10- Russia prevented the totally invasion of Syria in 2011 and this status continued till 2024

11-USA President Joe Biden, created a new Puppet political leader from a Ukrainian commedian Volodimir Zelensky.
12 USA, U.K,E.U, NATO, Pkk, Pyd,Pjak, ISIS and another radical İslamist terror organizations joined for Ukrainian Army and They're allthoughether attacked on Russia territories.

13- Russia remedilessly tried to defense it's territories. Then obligatorily Russia begun to treat Westetn Forces by using nucleic weapons.

14- October 5th 2024 USA general elections changed Fascist Joe Biden government and World people is rescued from the danger of the 3th W.W

15- Thank you Mr President Donald Trump and his government members for this great goodness for humanity.

16- Donald Trump changed USA world policies that continues since 1946. England, E.U are seperated with USA. 

17- D. Trump, expelled puppet war criminal Zelensky from White House, War prompter/provocator England invited him and accomodated in Downing Syr. number 10th in London. Then opened 100 billion£ credit for weapon tecnology factories in Ukraine.
All war provocator E.U members supported War criminal V. Zelensky as a war hero.
18 After this, New World Order will be like this;

Is it possible for you?

Never mind for a now.
The future will show us whats'll happen.

The predestine belongs to you.

Alaeddin Yavuz 
Retired Turkish Constable